Sunday, 1 July 2012

Jasminum Sambac

Jasminum Sambac, such a lovely name for a lovely and fragrant jasmine plant. 

Jasminum Sambac have many varieties and the ones shown here is the "Mysore Mulli" species. When I brought home this plant from the nursery more than 7 months ago, I didn't know what species this was. It was a small plant then and I had to rely on the owner's word. "It's Indian Jasmine", she said. That was it.

And today, I am witnessing the beautiful and heavily scented flower after a long wait. Was worth it :)  
Truly a beauty with layers of thick pure white petals! Simply captivating, just looking at it.

"Mysore Mulli", originated from India.

The leaves, however, is not the best part of the plant, pale green in color and at times yellowish green. But the flowers are heavenly scent!

This leaves have been treated with black seed oil to keep away pests. White flies get stuck on the sticky leaves and die. Simply mix 2 tablespoon of black seed oil with 500ml water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. Shake well before spray.

Heavily scented flower. All it takes is just one flower and my living room is done :) 

If you notice, there's another bud waiting to bloom underneath this bloomer. Can't wait to see it! Will keep you posted when it does. it is!! The second flower which bloomed just the next day after this post was published.  Mesmerizing scent indeed. I have pruned the leaves so hoping for more blooms after this :)

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. It looks like a mini white rose. Now you have natural perfume in your living space. The black seed oil is a great tip. Where to buy this oil?

  2. I bought this black seed oil in one of the Middle East country during my holiday trip back then. Very popular oil over there.

    Don't despair, you can get it in our country now especially those tiny Muslim shops selling goods from Mecca. My niece, Siti Nurliyana Tajudeen (Liyana), runs such shops. Do browse her blog at

    1. Ms Belle,
      The black seed oil is also known as "Habbatus Sauda".

  3. Hello,
    I reached your blog via Bing.I really enjoy reading about your garden. I live in Iowa, USA and the winters are brutal. With my jasmine blackseed oil at a local grocery store. I have one question. Is it safe to spray the plant while in sunlight or should it be in shade. if so, how long before exposing them to the sunlight.
    Thanks much,

    1. Hello Malini. Good to see you here.
      Welcome to my little corner of the world.
      The best time to spray is in the evening when the sun is going down and leave them overnight. It doesn't matter if it's under shade or exposed. You don't have to relocate your pot to do so.
      Good luck to you! May your jasmine blooms beautifully.
      And thanks for dropping by :)

  4. Thanks, I will try that.
    Good luck with your gardening endeavors.

    1. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement Malini.
      Just one question for you. Is it you who is following me as "MS"?
      Take care and have a good weekend :)

  5. Yes , it is me - Malini Subramanian ,hence MS. I would better subscribe but I did not find a link to subscribe. That way new posts to your blog will be notified via email and it will be easier to access in our busy lives.
    Continue the effort. Thanks. Malini.

    1. Hi Malini, thanks for your feedback.
      You may now subscribe by email for my new posting :)
      Take care and have a good weekend.

  6. Would it be possible to buy a cutting from you?

    1. Hi Ivan. Thanks for dropping by my garden. So sorry..I've given away the plant :(
      You seem to have a good collection of plants yourself! I'm impressed :)


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