Then, eyes caught upon this beautiful rose. Truly enchanting with its pure light pink color and faint sweet subdued fragrance..hhhmmm. I just need to close my eyes and breathe in delight. Intoxicatingly pure and warm scent :)
It's just too bad that no one at the nursery knows the name of this rose :(
Such a beautiful piece....
If you know which species this rose belongs to, do enlighten me!
I never thought I would end-up bringing this masterpiece home since my garden is still infested with 'leftover' pests. But it is too irresistible and temptingly adorable. And it costs only RM10! Who, in their right frame of mind, could resist this?
As a precaution, I didn't put this plant in the garden right away. I placed it on the shelve of my bathroom and sprayed with "Baba Tenen D25" natural insect repellent all over its stems and soil. After half an hour, I put it by the window of my utility room. The weather was gloomy with heavy rain, but the air was cool. Not to mention the cold breeze that comes with it. Great start for this rose.
Even if this rose would not survive for long, I decide to take a lighter approach to it. I will not stress myself out unnecessarily, like I did in the past. I know I have enjoyed the beauty of this rose and appreciate the pleasure it gives me :)
After all flowers are created to bring out our inner sense of happiness and not otherwise ;)
The houris will be smiling in her sleep tonight...for sure :))